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Suggestions on choosing a laser printer


1. Reliability is the key

When your laser printer is reliable and consistent in quality, you save valuable time and money. Choose a laser printer that meets your production line requirements to avoid unnecessary delays.

2. Different substrates with different lasers

Different substrates (such as glass, plastic, bottles, metal or cardboard) are also very challenging for some printers, so you can choose a laser marking machine. There are different types of laser marking machines. You can choose the most suitable for your production line substrate.


3. Printing speed

Printing speed is a critical issue for you when you print more information and print more. As the coding requirements become more complex, one or more laser engraving machine will give you more freedom to express everything, now and in the future.

4. Determine the location of the code

If you want to print any part of the bottle, you need a laser coder machine that offers a full range of options. Without this sensitivity, you will not be able to progress anytime. The laser printer can determine the print position and calibrate the correct parameters to meet the requirements.

5. Always popular

Now eliminating all kinds of things is fast, and the laser printer is no exception. The laser printer has many features, and its printing is not eliminated, which guarantees the traceability process. Be sure to pick a long-term sensitive and stable marking machine - the CYCJET laser marking machine.

6. Easy operation

A printer that anyone can operate can save a lot of valuable training time and working time, and is easy to adjust, software controlled, and simple. CYCJET provides pre-sales service and after-sales service, no matter what specific requirements you have, the manager can directly serve online or overseas.

8. Easy to control

Some inkjet printers often fail, such as delays, losses, and downtime. This requires frequent reliance on engineers for repairs, and the selection of a simple maintenance printer can avoid this problem.

9. Compliance with regulations and beautiful appearance

Imitation may be a form of compliment, but when it comes to beverages, the right type of printer can help you avoid counterfeits. Pick a reliable, high-quality inkjet printer, so that the brand's beauty is not.

The main features of CYCJET laser printer:

1) High speed with galvanometer.

2) Small volume, light weight.

3) Low power, consumption power is less than 500w.

4) Completely air cooling, low energy.

5) No influence of the severe environment and temperature change. If no power, battery and car cigarette lighter can be used for working.

6) Greatly reduce the depreciation cost, satisfying customers' stable large quantities producing.

7) Wind cooling FIBER Laser, no consumables, low maintenance, high photoelectric conversion rate, low consumption (500 w) or less, use cost.

CYCJET is the a brand of Shanghai Yuchang Industrial Limited Company. As a manufacturer, CYCJET have more than 10 years of experience in Shanghai, China, in various types of handheld inkjet printing solutions, laser printing solutions, wholesalers and retailers of portable marking solutions.


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