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CYCJET Pharmacy traceability inkjet printing system


Abstract: Medicine is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and life and health must be regulated by the most stringent standards. Therefore, it is also reasonable for the enterprise to be the main responsible party to be required to establish a drug information traceability system to ensure product safety. The traceability of medical products is essentially a collection of “one thing, one code”. 

Drug serialization management has become an irreversible development trend. In the entire supply chain of the product, the details of the source and destination of the raw materials, the direction of sales, etc., are recorded and marked on the packaging of all levels of the drug in an appropriate manner.

Qrcode inkjet printer.jpg
 Finally, the production company to the sales link, and then to the consumer tracking and tracking closed-loop chain.
    The "unique identification code" in this process is the core. It is the unique "identity" code of the drug, ensuring authenticity and ultimately eliminating the repeated prohibition of counterfeiting.
    The closed-loop management of all the data in this process, the realization of the code tracking, is the task to be traced by the traceability system.

The drug information traceability system is based on the design of the FMD framework. Companies are very concerned about how to establish a drug traceability system covering the entire process of production, distribution, consumption, etc. in the existing production environment.
First of all, what is FMD?
     It is the abbreviation of the 2011 European Union through the Falsified Medicine Directive, introducing more stringent rules and uniform, pan-European measures to ensure the safety of drugs and the strict management of drug trade.
FMD requires the use of a unique serial number-encoded package for almost all prescription drugs to track drugs throughout the supply chain, prevent counterfeit drugs from entering the legal supply chain, identify possible counterfeit drugs in the supply chain system, and protect patient safety.

The entire “one object and one code” tracking and traceback process requires enterprises to independently generate high-quality identification codes and assign codes according to regulations, and then effectively manage the large amount of data generated. This is a system and professional requirement. What’s more, a stable Thermal Inkjet Printer becomes seriously important. 

At the same time, how to upgrade the production line according to the FMD regulations and configure the industrial inkjet printer and the reading system become a big problem that plagues the enterprise on the premise of guaranteeing the original production speed.
    According to statistics, up to 80% of the pharmaceutical companies use the portable inkjet printing system can not complete the FMD requirements of the code specification.
    Another difficulty is the high quality of the logo, whether it is packaging or labeling, ensuring that the terminal's long-lasting high read rate is fundamental to drug traceability.
    FMD requires compliance marks to be machine readable within 1 year of the expiration date or 5 years after the package is sold, which requires the
industrial inkjet printer to print clear code in high resolution and durable ink.

    The drug information traceability system is a perfect "one object and one code" traceability control application.

    Its successful implementation experience also has important reference significance for the “one product, one code” traceable marketing application of food, beverage, fast-moving consumer goods and other industries.

CYCJET is the a brand name of Yuchang Industrial Company Limited. As a manufacturer, CYCJET have more than ten years of experience for wholesaler and retailer of different types of handheld inkjet printing solution, Laser printing solution, portable marking solution in Shanghai China.

Contact Person: David Guo

Telephone: +86-21-59970419 ext 8008

MOB:+86-139 1763 1707

Email: sales@cycjet.com

Website: http://www.cycjet.com/



Industrial inkjet printer

Portable inkjet printer

Thermal inkjet printer


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